Technotools (Chestnut CD-ROM)(1993).ISO
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DOS Batch File
132 lines
echo off
rem Do not distribute ARC2ZIP.BAT separately from the rest of the package
rem If you get an "Out of environment space" message, increase your
rem environment space by using shell configuration in config.sys:
rem Example: shell=c:\bin\command.com /e:1024 /p
echo ┌───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┐
echo │ Convert and datestamp a single .arc to .zip file with comment │
echo │ By Prof. Timo Salmi, ts@chyde.uwasa.fi, Sat 15-Jun-1991 │
echo └───────────────────────────────────────────────────────────────┘
if not "%1"=="" goto _continue
echo Usage: ARC2ZIP PackageName [/r(eplace the old .arc with the new .zip)]
echo Use no drive name! No extension!
echo ┌───────────────┐
echo │ NO WILDCARDS! │
echo └───────────────┘
echo When using for the first time:
echo 1) Copy pkunpak.exe and pkzip.exe to a:\ (not provided)
echo 2) Make a new directory a:\zip for converted files
echo 3) Edit your own zip-file comment to a:\comment.txt (not provided)
echo 4) If you do not have a ramdisk on r:\ alter line a:\pkzip -br:\ «-- ...
echo 5) If you use a harddisk, edit the paths in ARC2ZIP.BAT as appropriate
echo Usually:
echo Put the .arc file diskette in drive b:\
echo Put the ARC2ZIP.BAT diskette in drive a:\
echo And run normally
goto _out
rem Do the necessary programs, the comment file, and zip directory exist
if not exist a:\pkzip.exe goto _err1
if not exist a:\pkunpak.exe goto _err2
if not exist a:\comment.txt goto _err3
if not exist a:\zip\nul goto _err8
rem Build the names for source .arc and target .zip files
set _filea=b:\%1.arc
set _filez=a:\zip\%1.zip
if not exist %_filea% goto _err4
if exist %_filez% goto _err5
if not exist a:\tmp$$$\nul md a:\tmp$$$
if exist a:\tmp$$$\*.* goto _err9
rem Test archive integrity
a:\pkunpak -t %_filea%
if errorlevel==1 goto _err10
rem Convert, use the date of the latest file, not the current date
a:\pkunpak %_filea% a:\tmp$$$
a:\pkzip -a %_filez% a:\comment.txt
a:\pkzip -z %_filez% < a:\comment.txt
a:\pkzip -d %_filez% comment.txt
a:\pkzip -br:\ -u -m -o %_filez% a:\tmp$$$\*.*
a:\pkzip -v %_filez%
rd a:\tmp$$$
rem State of the /r switch for replacing the old .arc file
if "%2"=="/r" goto _replace
if "%2"=="/R" goto _replace
goto _out
rem Replace the old .arc file with the new .zip file
echo To replace %_filea% with %_filez% press any key
echo To cancel, use the Break key now
pause >nul
if not exist %_filez% goto _err6
if exist %_filea% del %_filea%
if exist %_filea% goto _err7
copy %_filez% b:\
del %_filez%
dir b:\%1.zip
goto _out
Echo File a:\pkzip.exe not found
goto _out
Echo File a:\pkunpak.exe not found
goto _out
Echo File a:\comment.txt not found
goto _out
Echo File %_filea% not found
echo Usage: ARC2ZIP PackageName [/r(eplace the old .arc with the new .zip)]
echo Use no drive name! No extension!
echo ┌───────────────┐
echo │ NO WILDCARDS! │
echo └───────────────┘
goto _out
Echo File %_filez% already exists
goto _out
Echo ARC2ZIP aborted: File %_filez% not found
goto _out
Echo ARC2ZIP aborted: Disk or file %_filea% is readonly
goto _out
Echo Error: Directory a:\zip does not exist
goto _out
Echo Error: Directory a:\tmp$$$ is not empty
goto _out
Echo ARC2ZIP aborted: Error in %_filea%
goto _out
set _filea=
set _filez=
echo on